Our Services

What we offer

Survey Data QAQC

“Junk in is Junk out” so let XYZ Global analyse your survey data to provide quality information as our base to start from.If we see that there can be improvements made to the choice of equipment or how best to use it we’ll let you know.

Program Design

Now that we know what the ground wants to do and where you want to go XYZ Global can create cost effective drilling designs for your drilling team to follow .

If your up for the challenge we’d be happy to teach you.

Equipment Supply

Get access to the latest technology and if you dont want to keep it then just give it back . XYZ Global rent and sell all the right toys you need to get where your going.

Directional Analysis

Once we know you’ve got good data we’ll apply directional analysis to see how best we can work with your ground and not against it

Turn Key

Dont want to get that involved then let us get our hands dirty for you , we’ll work with your local team to manage the directional drilling process and equipment.

The Results

“I’ve drilled to find many things in the ground - I’ve never found people before.”

— Kelvin Brown

Chilean Mine Rescue Team